
Ultrasonic Cleaner/

Automotive Ultrasonic Cleaner

Item Automotive ultrasonic cleaner
Capacity Customizable
Ultrasonic Power Depends on tank qty
Heating Power Depends on tank qty
Ultrasonic Frequency (KHz) 28/40/80/120
Ultrasonic Generator Internal/external
Transducer Qty Depends on tank qty
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Automotive Ultrasonic Cleaner

SiroSilo ultrasonic automotive parts cleaner is an efficient tool for cleaning car parts thoroughly, without dead spots.


Why Ultrasonic Cleaner is Useful for Automotive Parts

In the automobile manufacturing, reconstruction, and maintenance process, the cleanliness of each precision part is quite important.

Although brand-new car parts always look clean, their surfaces may still be contaminated by metal chips or dirt, resulting in substandard cleanliness.

The auto parts involved in the reconstruction & repair process, usually deposit large amounts of carbon or grease on the surface, and may also deposit gasoline residues or metal contaminants.


The racing car has the highest requirements for the parts’ cleanliness, the slightest pollution will affect its ultimate performance.

When the racer drives the car at a very fast speed, the car’s horsepower is close to the extreme value, various parts are also running at high speed.

If any part jams due to pollutants, it may cause bad consequences.


Many mechanics in the racing team simply spray detergent to clean the racing parts, which is effective in some cases.

However, scrubbing can’t effectively clean some blind spots, grooves, gaps, etc.


Automotive Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine Pros

Some mechanics of the racing team try to clean the racing parts in an ultrasonic automotive parts cleaner. Finally, they are pleasantly surprised, the stubborn pollutants on these racing parts disappear magically.

Not only the clean auto parts are important for racing cars, but also trucks, cars, buses, etc., all need clean engine parts to ensure smooth vehicle running.

Since automotive sonic cleaner can efficiently clean racing parts, it is definitely suitable for cleaning other types of vehicle parts.

Traditional auto parts cleaning processes mainly include long-term chemical soaking, high-pressure cleaning, and manual scrubbing.


These processes are difficult to clean blind holes, gaps, and depressions, and they are costly & time-consuming.

The ultrasonic auto parts cleaner’s washing speed is faster, its cleaning effect is better.

If you plan to purchase an automotive ultrasonic cleaning machine recently, welcome to contact us via Email or WhatsApp for more details.

Email: info@sirosilo.com

WhatsApp: +8617312124727

Brief Introduction

Working Principle

The ultrasonic auto parts cleaner generates the cavitation effect, producing a large number of tiny cavitation bubbles in the cleaning fluid.


These bubbles continue to expand until they explode. When they explode, they burst out with a strong force to the part surface, peeling off the dirt.

As long as the area is reachable by the cleaning fluid, the explosion of tiny bubbles will work.


The cavities, threaded holes, and gaps of auto parts are reachable by the cleaning fluid, so the automotive sonic cleaner can wash the car parts more effectively than manual cleaning.

After cleaning the auto parts with the automotive ultrasonic cleaner, there is no need to manually scrub the parts in the follow-up.


As long as you use the right ultrasonic frequency, power, and cleaning time, ultrasonic cleaning is an ideal way to clean auto parts.


When the ultrasonic frequency is low, the bubbles generated in the cleaning solution are relatively large, the explosive force of the bubbles is large, and the cleaning intensity is high;

If the ultrasonic frequency is high, the bubbles generated in the cleaning solution are relatively smaller, the force is smaller when the bubbles burst, and the cleaning intensity is smaller.

Therefore, if you want to clean car parts with large volumes & hard surfaces, you can switch the ultrasonic cleaner car parts to a low frequency;

If you want to clean parts with soft surfaces & fragile materials, you can switch the ultrasonic cleaner car parts to high-frequency, avoiding parts damage.

Typical damages for auto parts include surface pitting & microstructure damage.


Ultrasonic cleaner car parts not only supports frequency switch, but if you have any special needs, we can also customize them according to your requirements.

For example, some customers want to remove hardened grease or deposits on the part surface, we customized a heated ultrasonic cleaner for such clients.

The heated cleaning fluid can soften the hardened grease & deposits, and accelerate the removal of these contaminants by the cavitation effect.

If the part surface is covered by oily residue, you can add a mild detergent to the cleaning solution, which can improve the ultrasonic cleaning effect, thus removing oily residue.


Why SiroSilo Ultrasonic Auto Parts Cleaner

An experienced manufacturer of ultrasonic auto parts cleaners can assist you in analyzing your car parts, then recommend the suitable ultrasonic frequency, power, cleaning time, and necessary custom functions for you.

SiroSilo has accumulated rich ultrasonic cleaning technology, and integrated the upstream & downstream supply chains, we can customize your desired automotive sonic cleaner with our own R&D team.

For ultrasonic cleaning of auto parts, SiroSilo can determine the best ultrasonic frequency & power, as well as the necessary custom functions according to your parts’ pictures, materials, and surface contaminants, then propose reasonable ultrasonic cleaning solutions for your reference.

You can also send us a sample part, we will conduct a cleaning test on your part, ensuring that the final ultrasonic cleaning solution fully convinces you.

Tank Configuration

Some auto parts must go through multiple cleaning processes to qualify for usage, such as ultrasonic cleaning, rinsing, drying, and other processes.

Multi-tank ultrasonic auto parts cleaners appeared because of this demand.

Compared with a single-tank automotive sonic cleaner, a multi-tank automotive sonic cleaner integrates multiple washing tanks into one machine, and an electrical cabinet controls the entire equipment’s operation.


The following processes are available on the multi-stage automotive sonic cleaner:

  • Ultrasonic Cleaning
  • Filtration
  • Spray Rinsing
  • Bubble Rinsing
  • Wind Blowing
  • Hot Air Drying

According to the size, quantity, and cleanliness requirements of the workpieces, we can customize the inner tank size & combine each process as per your request.

  • Ultrasonic Cleaning

It uses the strong cavitation effect of ultrasonic to clean the dust, impurities, oil stains, abrasive particles, etc. on the workpiece surface.

  • Circulating Filtration System

Quickly filter out the impurities in the cleaning liquid, and keep the cleaning liquid clean.

  • Oil Removal System

Quickly remove the oil stains floating on the cleaning fluid surface, and avoid secondary pollution of the workpiece when taking it out.

  • Spray Rinsing

Speed up the peeling of dirt & cleaning agent attached to the workpiece surface.

  • Hot Air Drying

Stainless steel air heating tube, overheating protection ensures safety;

The ring pipe is made of polished stainless steel, with thermal insulation cotton attached to the outside;

Air supply & return air outlets are available at the bottom, left, and right sides of the cavity, thus forming a circulating air duct.

The hot air evenly contacts the workpiece surface, and the workpiece heats up evenly & quickly.

Benefits of Automotive Ultrasonic Cleaner

Because automotive ultrasonic cleaner has many advantages, the popularity of ultrasonic auto parts cleaner is becoming wider & wider, and it has entered into many industries.

It mainly has the following benefits:

Significant Cost Savings

The traditional cleaning process requires a lot of chemicals & manpower, and its cost is very high.

The automotive sonic cleaner doesn’t need chemicals for cleaning, the cleaning cost is low, no human involvement in the entire cleaning process, saving labor costs & time.

Many of the chemicals used in traditional cleaning processes are toxic. In order to prevent the leakage of these chemicals, additional storage & processing facilities are essential.

As the environmental protection requirements become higher, the processing costs of these chemicals are also increasing.


If you use an automotive sonic cleaner to wash car parts, you don’t need to worry about handling hazardous chemicals.

Soaking & manual cleaning of auto parts is very time-consuming. To complete these tasks, someone must operate & monitor, and the labor cost will also increase;

Ultrasonic cleaning doesn’t require special cleaning or monitoring. The operator only needs to put the auto parts into the inner tank, set the ultrasonic power, ultrasonic frequency, and cleaning time, then go to do other things.

Compared with traditional cleaning processes, ultrasonic cleaning greatly saves labor costs.

Improve Cleaning Quality

Traditional auto parts cleaning processes, such as soaking & scrubbing, can’t completely remove all contaminants.

It is difficult to thoroughly clean the depressions, cavities, and gaps on auto parts. In order to clean car parts more thoroughly, manual scrubbing may damage the parts.


The part surface may be scratched due to excessive force, then the part’s tolerance is no longer accurate.

Once the incompletely cleaned car parts are assembled into the car, they may cause the car to malfunction or restrict the car’s certain performance.

Safer Operation

Introducing toxic chemicals to soak & clean auto parts, human error may cause chemical leakage;

Using a pressurized nozzle or a wire brush to scrub heavy vehicle parts, improper operation by the operator may cause accidents & injuries.

There is no safety problem when using ultrasonic auto parts cleaner, no hazardous materials in the ultrasonic equipment, and the power circuit is professional.

The operator doesn’t need to stay on-site to supervise the entire cleaning process, so the operator is less likely to suffer from any danger.

Because of this, ultrasonic cleaning of auto parts is safe, reliable, and very effective.

Washable Automotive Parts

More & more car parts go through automotive sonic cleaner for cleaning. According to Google Keyword Tool, the following keywords related to automotive parts are mostly searched across the globe.

  • Automotive, Auto Parts
  • Automatic Transmissions
  • Brake Cylinders
  • Carb, Carburetors
  • Car Parts
  • Cylinder Heads
  • Differential Casings & Gears
  • Engine & Engine Parts
  • Fuel Injectors
  • Vehicle Radiators

If you plan to purchase automotive ultrasonic cleaner or industrial ultrasonic parts cleaner, please feel free to contact us.


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